Sunday, December 29, 2019

Information Security Is An Increasing Number Of Security...

Nowadays, information security is concerning an increasing number of organisations, consequently to a large number of security breach cases broadcasted by the media. This is the consequence of the company’s objective to improve productivity and market competitiveness, making more and more data accessible by the employees, in various places, with many devices (Maxim, 2011). Amongst all this data breaches, 32% are due to insider attacks (Imperva Inc survey, 2010), which is a significant amount. Those insider threats may come from negligence or malicious intent, and might cause several harms, like financial loss or damage of reputation. With this in mind, this report will try to discuss and analyse the different approaches to detect and response to insider threats. In other terms, it will present the state of the art of some tools and good practices that could be useful for companies wanting to counter insider threats. A relevant sample of the best tools will be extracted and ana lysed, but this will not be an exhaustive tools list, and each organisation should adapt it according to its own characteristics. Firstly, the report will try to define the insider threats by means of malicious insiders and the different types of possible threats. Afterwards, it will discuss the detection of insider attacks through several technological tools. In the third part, the response to insider threats will be exposed through some rules and management best practice in order to reduceShow MoreRelatedCyber Security And Business Organizations1517 Words   |  7 PagesCyber Security in Business Organizations Advances in modern day information technology has presented many challenges for business organizations in combating internet cyber attacks. 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A Large Scale Industry?1637 Words   |  7 Pagessmall scale industry handles very valued information. This paper describes about the causes and effects of this data breaching with an example. Recently, the data breaches are increasing at an alarming pace. So, my article proposes the preventive measures to be applied in an organization to mitigate the harmful effects of breaching. So, unless the data is security is improved in all aspects the breaching cannot be stopped. WHAT IS DATA BREACHING? A data breach incident is said to occur when an unauthorizedRead MoreRisks of a Dos Attack1549 Words   |  7 PagesThe security perspective of an e-commerce company varies based on its business model. iPremier follows a Business-to-consumer (B2C) model and the entire sales come directly through web sales i.e. online B2C transactions. Hence the IT security of iPremier should center on the protection of the customer information and needs. 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For businesses, they resultRead MoreBalancing Cost And Risk Of The Soc907 Words   |  4 Pagesprofessional working in a security operations center understands that attacks are on the rise. Criminals who steal credit card numbers to resell on the dark web, hackers who launch ransomware attacks, industrial spies seeking to steal intellectual properties and state-sponsored hackers who seem to have diverse reasons for selecting their targets have all become much more adept at penetrating security measures. The financial cost of these breaches is shocking, according to the 2016 Data Breach Study conductedRead MoreElectronic Health Records Breaches Within Security980 Words   |  4 PagesElectronic Health Records Breaches in Security Research Focus Working in the medical field with Electronic Health Records, a lot of my responsibilities are reliant on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPPA) compliance, EHR updates and template building. EHR breaches in security is a constant concern in this age of modern and sophisticated technology. With recent security breaches of major corporations, this has caused technology experts to heighten its security encryptions to prevent furtherRead MoreThe Security Measure Can Be Deployed For Enhancing Cyber Security1055 Words   |  5 Pagesthe concern of privacy, security is also a major interest of big data application. First of all, big data application need to be secured extensively to prevent cyber attack. In addition, Big Data itself can be deployed for enhancing cyber security. Nowadays almost everyone has one or more portable devices, such as smart phones, tablets. Studies show that â€Å"80% of connected devices are at risk†. Our portable devices may store our sensitive information such as credit card number, banking info. Latest

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Philosophy Of Socrates And Dr. Martin Luther King

Imagine the feeling of sitting in room isolated from the rest of the world, left alone with your thoughts and kept guarded away from freedom. What would one with their spare time? Would one contemplate escape? Would one sit alone with their thoughts and fixate on what has led to such a lonely end? Would one compose a letter to those who detained them? Perhaps these are the same thoughts that inspired the words of Socrates, in Plato’s Crito or the emotional words that were spewed on paper by Dr. Martin Luther King while detained in Birmingham Jail. The philosophy of Socrates and Dr. Martin Luther King are grounded in peace. Both philosophers are faced with conflict from the laws put in place by the society that they are in. The purpose of this essay is to compare how each philosopher discusses the concept of law. The fictional tales of Socrates was inspiration to the belated Dr. King as he strived to challenge the status quo set for society. Throughout Plato’s poems Socr ates constantly stretched the mental capabilities of those who conversed, and at times even challenged him. Dr. King was not fearful of â€Å"Causing tension to the mind† of those around him. In particular Dr. King challenged his ideals of those who opposed his approach of nonviolent protesting. In â€Å"The letter from a Birmingham Jail† Dr. King response to a clergyman in form of a letter. This letter expresses the many obstacles put in front of Dr. King as he strives to create an equal society for African-American orShow MoreRelatedThe Great Thinkers Like Socrates And Martin Luther King1229 Words   |  5 Pagesthinkers like Socrates and Martin Luther King took themselves in a unique way of thinking in social changes and attempts to influence others. Martin Luther King is a theologian who used his enlighten powers to fight against inequality in the southern region of United States during 1960s. Dr. King Jr. is a good interpreter of Socrates because they both were a iming to help the society by making them knowledgeable about justice and social advancements. Socrates and martin Luther king were quiet similarRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. Essay1553 Words   |  7 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. From the Apostle Paul to Martin Buber: Martin Luther Kings use of Historical and Religious Figures in his Letter From Birmingham Jail In his Letter From Birmingham Jail, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is addressing his fellow clergymen in response to their accusations of his unwise and untimely activities. Like most other reformers, he finds his greatest rationalization and defense from the word of God. Considering the religious affiliation of his audience, King appealsRead MoreFamous Thinkers: Immanuel Kant and Martin Luther King Jr.1282 Words   |  5 PagesFamous Thinkers: Immanuel Kant and Martin Luther King, Jr. Introduction Throughout history, across time and space, there have been many thinkers whose teachings and ideas have inspired significant changes in the world around them. From Socrates and Sir Isaac Newton to Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, certain individuals throughout history have had both the brainpower and the motivation to essentially change the future, using their new ideas and beliefs to shape the worlds next generationsRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King874 Words   |  4 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. writes this letter as a response to the clergymen, who criticized and impeded the nonviolent campaign led by King in Birmingham. In his long letter, Marin Luther King presents a good deal of rational reasons for why the nonviolent campaign should be done in Southern America. He also demonstrates his unmovable determination to accomplish the goal of this nonviolent campaign. Obviously, King intends to awake the clergymen and other opponents by this touching letter. FromRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King1246 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom their place in history. Martin Luther brought important philosophical and moral concerns into the public arena. King belongs to a special of classes of activist philosophical whose philosophical and lives are inseparable because his chief concerns were social progress and improvement, Dr. King s powerful speaking skills combined with his courageous actions on behalf of racial justice, makes him a compelling exemplar of philosophical advocacy in action. Dr. King is widely regarded as AmericaRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter Of Burningham Jail1091 Words   |  5 PagesDr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter of Burningham jail mentions Socrates three times, giving the appearance that Socrates practiced civil disobedience directly and indirectly. However, King’s requirements for Civil disobedience are not met by Socrates s situation, illuminated by the Apology and the Crito. King and Socrates both ut ilized non-violent intellectual tension to enact change. Although Socrates uses the same force as King, his lack of guilt or an attempt to negotiate prevents him fromRead MoreWhat Makes A Breach Of Law An Act Of Civil Disobedience?1383 Words   |  6 PagesThoreau coined the phrase ‘civil disobedience’ for his refusal to pay poll taxes implemented by the United States government in order to fund the war on Mexico and the Fugitive Slave Law. Many others followed his philosophy like Gandhi during the independence movement in India, Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement, and the resistance to apartheid in South Africa. Even to this day civil disobedience is still widely used in movements like the anti abortion demonstrations, the environmentalRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841450 Words   |  6 PagesRELATED COVERAGE Professor Watchlist Is Seen as Threat to Academic Freedom NOV. 28, 2016 The Stone A forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. The series moderator is Simon Critchley, who teaches philosophy at The New School for Social Research. Fake News and the Internet Shell Game NOV 28 At Standing Rock and Beyond, What Is to Be Done? NOV 25 There Is No Such Thing as ‘Nonconsensual Sex.’ It’s Violence. NOV 21 What’s the Use of Regret? NOV 12 Trump’sRead MoreMalcolm X : The Fight For Civil Rights2090 Words   |  9 Pageshearing this information Malcolm Little changed his name to Malcolm X and became a member of the Nation of Islam to follow Elijah Muhammad’s Philosophy.(Ladenburg.) While he was serving his time in prison, he spent his time developing as a person. He found his spirituality, but he also spent his time fully learning and understanding English and studying philosophy. He only had an 8th grade education and he wanted to learn how to develop his ideas like the philosophers he admired so he could turn hisRead MoreEssay on Know Thy Reader1370 Words   |  6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail is a defense of the kind of non-violent direct action that King promoted and used during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. It is a response to statements of disapproval made by the clergymen of Birmingham, Alabama, and is obviously written in a way that appeals direc tly to this audience. King uses his knowledge of this audiences identity to design highly targeted arguments and to choose relevant historical examples for citation

Friday, December 13, 2019

Motivation and Emotion Free Essays

Abstract Motivation has long been studied and explained by wide a variety of factors by nearly all psychologists beginning with Freud and Maslow, whose theories are still widely taught. Is motivation influenced by reward, or are there emotional factors at work that affect the outcome or existence of motivation? Do our emotions motivate us to do what is best for us as an individual, the species as a whole, or for someone else? The history of various emotional and motivational theories will be discussed and the idea that emotion is directly involved with the different types of motivation will be explored along with a sampling of research supporting this supposition. It is our hypothesis that certain emotional triggers affect motivation depending on the type of trigger and emotional state of the participant. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation and Emotion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Annotated Bibliography Bickhard, Mark H. (Date Unknown). â€Å"Motivation and Emotion: An interactive process model†. Lehigh University [WWWdocument]. URL Mark Bickhard is a Henry R. Luce Professor of Cognitive Robotics and the Philosophy of Knowledge, Director at Lehigh University, Institute for Interactivist Studies and Editor, New Ideas in Psychology. His teaching and research experience is extensive. Mr. Bickhard has authored or co-authored four books and his achievements include recognition from many esteemed professional associations. He continues his work on psychology and philosophy with an emphasis on motivation. Changing Minds (2007). â€Å"Motivation†. Explanations. [WWWdocument]. URL asserts that they are â€Å"the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change what others think, believe, feel and do.† The information on motivation theories is comprehensive and includes â€Å"source credibility†. The site will be used to outline an overview of current and historical theory regarding motivation. Mark Devon studied evolutionary theory at Harvard University. Through his studies in evolution he developed categories for the most common human emotions and asserts â€Å"You are always doing what is best for the species.† He explores how the various human emotions are related to this motivation. The â€Å"conception† type of emotion guides one’s behavior. Heffner Media Group (2004). â€Å"Motivation and Emotion†. Allpysch Online Chapter 7, [WWWdocument]. URL Heffner Media Group, Inc. is a group of educators from a university who first brought education materials in technology and mental health online in the early years of the Internet. Specializing in media for educational settings, the group is currently working on several projects related to online education, including online training for mental health professionals in the form of continuing education. The Allpsych website focuses on topics relating to psychology and summarizes the findings of well-known professionals in the field. Isaacowitz, D.M. (2006). â€Å"Motivated Gaze: The view from the gazer†. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, 68-72. [WWWdocument]. URL Dr. Isaacowitz is in charge of the Emotion Lab at Brandeis University. He prepared this study with the theory that psychological properties influence the factors in gazing: â€Å"Optimists gaze less at negative, unpleasant images than do pessimists, and older individuals look away from negative faces and toward happy faces.† This is an important aspect of motivation in that optimists will avoid behaviors (lack of motivation) when faced with negative images. James, William (1884). â€Å"What is an Emotion?† Mind, 9, 188-205. Classics in the History of Psychology [WWWdocument]. URL Long before modern scientific method, William James attempted to explain the concept of emotion. His theory states â€Å"the bodily changes follow directly the PERCEPTION of the exciting fact, and that our feeling of the [p.190] same changes as they occur IS the emotion.† His exploratory hypothesis was the basis for much later research and important in its historical significance. Johnson, Kelly M. (1997). â€Å"Human Sexual Motivation†. California State University, Northridge. [WWWdocument]. URL The author performed her research study at California State University with the intent to explore motivations that prompt sexual behavior. â€Å"As a factor involved in sexual motivation, it is not unusual to be associated with motivation and to simultaneously be associated with other variables that are themselves identified as related to sexual motivation and which may or may not belong to the same category. Thus, identifying categories and then placing the elements of sexual motivation into discrete categories is a difficult, if not impossible task. Rather than attempting to do so, the current author will identify the variables that have been linked to sexual motivation and identify, where possible, any mediating variables.† Maslow, A.H. (1943). â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†. Psychological Review, 50, 370-396. Classics in the History of Psychology [WWWdocument]. URL Maslow was one of the first in his field to define motivation and his classic theory is still used today. Maslow’s positive theory of motivation is based on â€Å"basic needs†, including the need for self-actualization, whereby emotion plays a large factor. â€Å"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately happy.† Brian Parkinson, contributing editor, is a professor at the University of Leicester, England. His contribution refers to â€Å"the psychology of emotion. The concept is introduced by cataloguing examples of emotions (love, anger, fear, and so on), by exploring the internal constitution of emotional reactions, and finally by contrasting emotion with cognition. Emotion is conceived as a syndrome of more or less integrated components usually including the following four factors: cognitive appraisals, bodily reactions, action tendencies, and expressive movements.† Sexual motivation is one of the many motivating factors influenced by emotion (pleasure). The author, Joanna Schaffhausen, earned a B.S. in psychology from Tufts University in 1996. She is currently a graduate student at Yale University, interested in the cellular mechanisms of learning and memory. Her article for Scientific Learning, an organization that collects psychological research findings, focuses on the aspect of reward as motivation and how emotional factors influence both learning and motivation. How to cite Motivation and Emotion, Essay examples